Thursday, August 22, 2013

SEO for the Google Verified Business Owner

No need to pay someone else, too much, to get the results you want from Search Engine Optimization. Just go to and do a search for your verified business.*** (see below)

Click onto your place marker, and then onto the arrow beside "More." Next click onto "Edit details." This brings you to a page with  "IS THIS YOUR BUSINESS?" with a link to "Manage your page."Click that link.

This opens up your dashboard, and you will see "Your business info". Click onto edit. Look over what is there, make necessary changes, and then go to *Category and enter your main business category. You now get to enter four more. That's where you're limited. You only get to enter four categories that are Key Words for Google searches. But we all know it's in the details.

This is the fun part. Scroll down to "Additional Details" and add every last Key Word you can think of, pertaining to your business that will help a Googler find you. (Is that an official word yet, "Googler?"  A juggler juggles and a Googler Googles. Makes sense, no?) You see, what you may not know, and what I just found out thanks to Gennipher my Eminence Organics Rep, is that SEO is in the details. Be sure to click Submit at the bottom.

The real satisfaction comes when you find your business showing up on Google searches. No need to wait for hours. Check it out. It's fun fun fun! Especially for those business that just were not showing up in search results, like my own little skincare studio in Raleigh, NC.

Want even more satisfaction? Be sure to join Google+ with your business name and then make a public entry every day. It is veritably satisfying to see the results.  Makes this Googler giggle. I love the +s of life!

Be sure to Like Rosehips Beauty on Facebook and also check out our Google + page as well as to check out our website.

(***If you business is not verified you will have to fart around on Google for awhile and figure that one out. It's easy, but takes some time. They will send you an email with information for your web master and a post card with a Verification PIN is sent to you.)

Happy Googling!
Kat J Hall

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August Musings

Of late, the meanings of words have held my interest. Not long ago it was suggested to me, and to a room full of others at a Matrix Energetics Training,  for us to "Get interested."  "What interests you?" it was asked of us. "Become aware of what does, and explore it." What I've discovered is that this self-awareness tool is more fun than living the usual day-to-day. The other day I became completely fascinated that there were only two listless lobster in the lobster tank at a local Red Lobster Restaurant.

As a writer of a the eNewsletters for Rosehips Boutique & Skin Spa  I send monthly offers to those who have a birthday. Following my own interest in the definition of a month's name,  I did some internet digging.  I decided not to write about the fact that August, the eighth month in the  Julian Calendar,  remained the eighth month in the Gregorian calendar, the solar based one we have today. Or that August's name was "sextilis" in the 10 month Roman calender, being the 6th month in that time measurement device. Nor did I write that August was named August to honor Augustus, the First Emperor of the Roman Empire. Wikipedia has all of that. The historical background of the modern calendar as we know it, and what it went through to satisfy emperors and rulers, is twisted and convoluted, kind of like Caligula, the 3rd Emperor of the Roman Empire, who got himself assassinated.  Instead of all of that, this is what I passed along to my newsletter peeps. Something light.

August, according to  has two definitions. Here is the first one, followed by my commentary:

Def. 1
Au·gust  (ôgst)n. Abbr. Aug. The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm A Pinterest Virgin

Having just moved my established skin care business to Newport News, VA from Raleigh, NC - after eight wonderful years (the first three being a financial struggle) - I've got plenty of time on my hands. Why did I move? For a relationship. And no, it is not "Happily Ever After" - but it is worth it and it feels right. That's what counts.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

SEO. So? Oh.

So what about SEO. I tell you,  there's so much hubbub about SEO on the internet,  and yet I had to ask a solicitor what each letter stood for. Her business had sent my business, Rosehips Beauty, an email letting me know how they could improve my SEO.  So? I didn't know what it was, and thought to ask her. "What is SEO?" I inquired. Quite simply, she informed me "SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization." Oh.